Day in the life

School days are busy for a Joeys boarder, with sports, music ensemble and debating practice taking place before classes start at 8.35am. By then they will also have showered, eaten breakfast, tidied up their press area and greeted the day boys, who join them in the dormitories at 8.00am.
At 8.35am, except for Tuesdays when year meetings are held at 8.15am, the boys gather for 15 minutes in their pastoral groups of about 15 boys, where a teacher or tutor checks in with everyone’s wellbeing before the first 55-minute period begins just before 9.00am. There are two periods before a 20-minute recess, when boys head to their year’s dining room to pick up some morning tea. Two more periods and it’s back to the dining room for a hot lunch and, after a 40-minute lunch break, classes begin again – there are two more before the final bell at 3.25pm most days (Wednesday is an early mark at 2.45pm).
After school, the boys return to their boarding areas to get changed for activities such as sports practice and music lessons and rehearsals. Come 5.00pm, boarders head to the showers and get ready for dinner, which for Years 7 and 8 comes after a supervised 5.30pm–6.30pm study session and before a second session from 7.00pm–8.00pm. The rest of the year groups have dinner from 5.45pm–6.30pm, before two study sessions with a 15- or 30-minute break in between.
The end of the second compulsory study session is also lights out for Years 11 (10.15pm) and 12 (10.30pm). Years 7 and 8 have 90 minutes of down-time in the dormitories before lights out at 9.30pm; Years 9 and 10 have one hour of quiet relaxation before a 10.15pm bedtime. Overnight, help is at hand for any boy who may need it. There are boarding supervisors who sleep on-site, as well as Year 12 Dorm Seniors in the junior Years 7 to 10 dormitories. An after-lights-out supervisor monitors the dormitories and College grounds from 10.30pm until 6.30am. Should there be a health concern or emergency, our on-site Health Centre is staffed 24 hours a day by a qualified Registered Nurse.
Who is a Joe-Boy?
“It comes back to the College prayer; I listen to that prayer a lot, and it’s about not being a mediocrity, it’s about being the best version of yourself you can be, and helping out others, and understanding and appreciating what you have. It’s also about wanting to learn more. You have to be passionate about learning, you can’t just sit there in a classroom. I think a Joe-Boy is appreciative, understanding and respectful, and I think out in the public people see that as well.”
Atticus Heaven, Year 9, 2019
“Whether he’s in the classroom or not, a Joe-Boy can only be defined by his ability to ‘strive for better’ in every environment that he is in, if it be running out onto the field, pitch, course or court wearing his cerise and blue with great pride and passion, or putting in the effort needed in the classroom to uphold his highly valued education that he is being given at this school. A Joe-Boy is a student who cares for his peers wholeheartedly and is respectful to everyone across all aspects of College life.”
Liam Keady, Year 10, 2019
“Being a Joe-Boy is sort of like a brotherhood – everyone in my year are like brothers, trying to get through it all together. We do everything together – sport, free time, breakfast, dinner, lunch and helping each other to rise to be the better versions of ourselves.”
Sonny Colosimo, Year 10, 2019